Go to your video card's official website and, download the latest driver, then install it. In some cases, outdated graphics drivers can be the culprit of stuttering or frame rate drops. When you are done with graphics settings, click Apply, exit the game and try the methods below. And also, turning on the Dynamic Resolution Scale can improve performance in FIFA 23, but don't forget that it will significantly decrease visual quality. If you barely play FIFA 23 on your Windows PC, it's also a good idea to lower the Resolution.
Additionally, playing the game with Full Screen display mode can help to increase performance. If you are not interested in realistic hair, turn off Strand Based Hair. Sometimes the graphics card overheats when trying as hard as it can and slows down because of it, causing a stutter issue while playing a game. You should try limiting the Frame Rate to 60. Lowering the Rendering Quality will increase the performance, especially if you have a low-end PC. You will see Rendering Quality under Strand Based Hair. Then open the Display Configuration menu. Go to the Game Settings (Customize > Settings). There are few options in the graphics settings, but changes to your FIFA 23 graphics settings usually make the most significant performance improvement for low to mid-end rigs.